Love with in writing How shakespeare showed love with in his writing

To begin to write


To begin to write, you need to understand the topic you write. People may not understand William Shakespeare's way of writing or why he wrote the way her wrote, but everything has an answer behind it.

Shakespeare was not born into a nobble family, and he wasn't know for greatness, but today his writing is some of the best we have ever seen.

Where, and when he became great

Elizabethan England is where Shakespeare was born and lived, and he may not have started writing at a young age, but that is were his inspiration thrived.

All though we many not know for sure, it is believed that he started his writing career in 1592. At the time he was known as a great actor. His first print of a work of his was 2 long poems written in 1593-1594.

Love in his Writing

Two of his plays that are the most popular for love in them, are A mid summers night dream and Romeo and Juliet. They are known for there love that led to death or problems. He put passion into his writing looking into his time of being, and what people were looking for.

Romeo and Juliet

The pain of loving someone you can not, and doing what ever it takes to be together. How this connects with the people who are told who and who not to be with.

A mid summers night dream

When a little problem, leads to a bigger one. And how we just need to open our eyes.

Sonnet 116

Let us not be fools, and admit are love before our time runs out.

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