A How To On How To Create How To's A simple guide to making simple guides

Step 1: Figure out what How To you want to make

The main part of How To's is telling someone "How To" do something. So the very first step you should do is find out something that you want people to learn on how to do. Make sure it is on a subject that you know a lot about so you can efficiently give them advice and answer any questions people have about the subject.

Step Two: Deciding on what to say

Now that you know what How To you are going to do now it's time to figure out what you want to say in those. Do you want to keep it short and simple? Do you want to make it long and full of details? The choice is yours. Just make sure to not make it too confusing for your readers so you won't have to answer too many questions.

Step Three: Working on what you want it to look like

Now you know what you want to talk about and what you are going to say. It is now time to decide on what you want your How To to look like. Do you want graphics? Instead of making it in a text format do you want to make a video on you How To subject? Choose whatever you believe will help get your message across the best.

Step 4: Uploading Your How To

Now that you have created your How To it's time to upload it. First you should choose where you want to upload it. When deciding where to post your How To think about what website would get you the most amount of views or find a website that's focus is on the subject you are talking about. After you have decided on where its new home is going to be upload it.

Step 5: Rejoice!

Now that you have uploaded your How To, you're done! All you have to do now is look at the views come in and think about all the people you just taught how to do something.


That's it! That is all it takes to create the perfect How To. Now go out there and teach people how to do stuff. Just remember, Keep it simple and do it the way that you can most effectively get your message to the viewer.


Created with images by Conquero - "lighthouse sky light" • Einfach-Eve - "water stone nature" • TeroVesalainen - "question mark hand drawn solution" • TeroVesalainen - "mindmap brainstorm idea" • pixelcreatures - "cms wordpress content management system" • blondinrikard - "Happy" • Sean MacEntee - "fin"

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