Theodore Roosevelt OCTOBER 27, 1857 - January 6, 1919

Theodore was homeschooled in New York, NY.

He was very Fascinated in animals, even as a child

He later attended Harvard University in 1876. There, he boxed and rowed. He has an almost photographic memory and Graduated Phi Beta Kappa (22nd of 177) with a AB magna cum laude

After Harvard he went to Columbia Law but thought it was irrational so he wrote a book on The War of 1812. Later he dropped out and said he should be governing the class

When he was president he made the Square Deal

This deal had 3 C's

Conservation- started the national Parks and Recreation

Consumer Protection - started the FDA

Corporate Busting - started to stop bribery and cut off power to company's

Went by the saying "speak softly and carry a big stick"

Made the first press room

Was the youngest president

Emergence as a National Figure

President of the New York police department

Hand picked the next president

Goes to Africa and works for the Smithsonian

Kills thousands of animals

Lots of research

Creates his own political party called the Bull Moose Party

Gets shot in the chest but keeps speaking

Karrigen, Gabe, Lucas

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