Making Solar Energy Economical Griffin brunson

The sun is crucial for live on Earth, so why not harness its energy?

The Sun provides 10,000 times as much energy as any commercial energy humans produce.

The sun has more potential for energy than all other sources of energy combined.

As of now, we are only able to convert sunlight to electricity with 10-20% efficiency.

Using nanotechnology, engineers can use nanocrystals to reach 60% or higher efficiency rates.

Solar energy energy is actually cheaper than other energy sources in cents per kilowatt hours

It varies on how much it takes to build solar farms, but it is approximately $2.00 per watt. This includes the engineering design, the site layouts, detailed interconnection drawings, and full turnkey installation of that system on your site.

This shows the percentages of cost that goes into solar farms.

With solar panels, the consumer is able to save 60% or more on electricity.

Since solar energy can only produce energy when the sun hits the panels during the day, to make sure people have energy at all times we need a way to store this energy.

One way to do this is to copy photosynthesis in plants. Use the sunlight to power electrolysis of water to generate hydrogen as a fuel.

This will power fuel cells with virtually no pollution byproducts as the hydrogen combines with oxygen again.

For this to happen, engineers will need to find new ways to perfect this chemical reaction with the development of new catalysts. If there is a way to produce catalysts that work as well as natural enzymes it will make the solar production-fuel cell storage system better for solar Economy.

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