Donald Trump and The Liberal Media Group yes


The "Othering" of Trump and the liberal media. A focus on Trump and his supporters, as this has been a trending topic across all media platforms. Trump is a republican nominee for the role of president for the USA, running against Hilary Clinton. For the past few weeks we have seen debates and campaigns of what they intend to do when they get into power. Trump's ideas are extremist, such "building a wall" in between America and Mexico to control migration. Trump is seen as supporting those with racist views, being a platform for them to express themselves.

Credit: CNN and
Credit: The Economist

The article on ‘How deplorable are Trump Supporters?’ can understandably be viewed as ‘Othering’ said supporters. However, the facts and statistics question whether we can argue it is prejudice, the real point is how Liberal Clinton supporters with No racial resentment are considered the protagonists, while the ‘Deplorable’ Racially resentful Trump Supporters are antagonists for not forming a part of the liberal hegemony, (which one can argue only exists because of the economic and cultural influence of the liberal media).

“You can put half of Trump supporters into what I call the basket of deplorables.” “Racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamophobic, you name it.”

Now while Clinton is the 'Liberal protagonist', the media does not let her go lightly, there was controversy regarding her health and it was BIG news, leading to questions regarding her ability to actually carry out the Presidency.

Credit: The Economist

Trump and his Supporters

Portraying Trump supporters views hysterically puts them into a category of the unintelligent ‘Others’ making them seem less inferior as some of their theories are so outrageous to the hegemonic liberal society and Media.


Trump in terms of Theory

Trump is the Main Character. His supporters view Trump as the Outsider, who will come in and save America. He was portrayed as a Unlikely Winner by the media, as the savour of America. This places him within the binary situation of the savour vs the destroyer (Portrayed by Hillary Clinton and the current government).

As the campaign has gone on Trumps support has gained momentum, making him now the Republican Presidential candidate.

With most being privately educated and from wealthy backgrounds, it is wrong for the media to single out this tribute where Trump is concerned.

Claiming the ‘accusations were ‘smears’ and said the media is working with Hillary Clinton to stop him from becoming President’. His supporters have come to his defense, suggesting that his comments towards women were simple ‘Locker room talk’.

Created By
Chelsea Peplow

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