shakespeares life Edward Fuentes period 1

thesis: Shakespeare life was important because of his education in his early life,Shakespeare reached all kinds of audiences,and his impact on literature:

Early Life


"The fields and woods surrounding the town provided opportunities to hunt and trap small game. The River Avon, which ran through the town, had fish to catch. Shakespeare’s poems and plays show a love of nature and rural life. This display undoubtedly reflects his childhood experiences and his love of the Stafford countryside."

this shows how he used his own style of writing and the experiences as a child in his style of writing.he loved the forest and rural areas.


"Beginning at about the age of 7, William probably attended the Stratford grammar school with other boys of his social class. The school’s highly qualified teachers were graduates of Oxford University. Students spent about nine hours a day in school. They attended classes the year around, except for three brief holiday periods. The teachers enforced strict discipline and physically punished students who broke the rules. The students chiefly studied Latin, the language of ancient Rome. Knowledge of Latin was necessary for a career in medicine, law, or the church. In addition, the ability to read Latin was considered a sign of an educated person. Young Shakespeare may have read such outstanding ancient Roman authors as Cicero, Ovid, Plautus, Seneca, Terence, and Virgil."

shakespeare went to a grammar school which is like a English class now a days.also shakespeare may have read some great roman authors such as Virgil,Ovid,and Terence

theatrical achievements

"Shakespeare wrote at least 38 plays, two major narrative poems, a sequence of sonnets, and several short poems. His works have been translated into a remarkable number of languages, and his plays are performed throughout the world. His plays have been a vital part of the theater in the Western world since they were written about 400 years ago"

these masterpieces the shakespeare wrote are amazing and are still effecting us till this day in acting.It is considered one of the hardest to act out


"Shakespeare has had enormous influence on culture throughout the world. His works have helped shape the literature of all English-speaking countries. His work has also had an important effect on the literary cultures of such countries as Germany and Russia. In addition, his widespread presence in popular culture extends to motion pictures, television, cartoons, and even songs."

shakespeare has effect the english language in television,songs, literature ,and cartoons.this is the man who helped form the english language.

the theater where Shakespeare's plays were held

Shakespeare wrote most of his plays for audiences with a broad social background. To the Globe Theatre came a cross section of London society, ranging from apprentices skipping work to members of the nobility passing the time. But most of the Globe’s audience consisted of prosperous citizens, such as merchants, craftworkers, and their wives, and members of the upper class. The theaters of London were an attraction, and visitors to the city were often part of the audience.

pretty much everyone went to watch the plays at the globe theater which is where shakespeares plays were held

appealing to an audience

"Shakespeare’s plays were also produced at the royal court, in the houses of noble families, and sometimes in universities and law schools. For most of his career, he thus wrote plays that had to appeal to people of many backgrounds and tastes."

he noticed what plays people had liked and also noticed the ones they did not he had made more plays that they liked.


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