Good Life Tour of the Harn Elyssa Goldman

The adventure begins below...

Medium of the Art

Represented in the photo above is a sculpture of a man sitting with tools. This medium of art was particularly striking to me as a sculpture. The ability to show the man in 3D rather than on a 2D medium I felt was very important to the portrayal of the piece, along with seeing it in person to see the 3D in a 360 degree view. The piece was intended to show a Mexican man with a bowl and a tool, which is obvious, but what struck me is what the sculpture is composed of. It is made of red-slipped ceramic and black paint, which could often be the same color as some ancient Mexican homes. This symbolism along with the 3D of the sculpture really made it stand out to me.

Design of the Museum

This photo was taken in the Asian Art Wing Garden. This was by far the highlight of the museum for me, as not only was the nature and pond very appealing, but the set up of a semi-circle (which I believe is a symbol for the circle of life) was very appealing. Since gardens require some effort in looking for certain beauties, this photo requires the eye to search among the panorama for me (you can find me in the middle of the picture). This specific exhibit made me feel peaceful, despite the cold, and connected to nature.

Art and Core Values

This photo shows me with a print from 1985. The print says, "Women in America earn only 2/3 of what men do. Women artists earn only 1/3 of what men artists do." This print really stood out to me, as the wage gap and gender equality are issues I am very passionate about. The print frustrates me, because its truth is so saddening, and this was from 1985. It is 22 years later, and we've made very little progress on this matter. The print makes me realize how passionate I am about this social issue, and my feelings toward the pressing problem will remain the same until change is made.

Art and the Good Life

This painting shows a man doing hard labor on the side of the road in Mexico. The artist, Diego Rivera, was dedicated to showcasing the view of life from the lower classes and poor. Although this man is doing intense work, that does not mean that he does not have a Good Life. For me, the theme depicted here is that money and wealth do not translate to a Good Life, but hard work can lead to one. This painting provokes a gratitude for the people who literally paved the way for the future.

All photos were taken by friends or myself if I am not in the picture.

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