Test Taking

Get al ot of sleep

Have a good brekfast

Study hard

Take your time

Deep breaths

Cirlce/Highlight important information


Review notes

Study buddies!

Pay attention in class

If you follow all these steps or decide to use any you will be sure to do well on a test or quiz you are studying for.

What would be the best option for studying?

A: At a Party

B:In your room

C: In front of your TV

D:At the movie theater

Write 3-5 sentences about your study strategies and explain how they help you.


Created with images by Hans - "rest relax concerns" • imgdive - "DSC_6707" • DariuszSankowski - "knowledge book library" • steinchen - "clock time stopwatch" • roland - "learn your morning fog breath DSC_0944" • English106 - "Notes" • Paul L Dineen - "2 kids circus ride" • Shane Global Language Centres - "Classes"

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