Concentrix Benefits

This page will show you how you can take fairly dry content like a company's benefits, and turn them into beautiful mobile content.

Here's an overview of the benefits you get when you join our company.


All of our employees get 5 days of family leave per year.


We provide you the flexibility to make your work fit into your life, and it's not strictly a 9-5 office environment.

Anytime, Anywhere, Any Device

Global Company

Combine your career and your desire to travel and see the world. With offices in 140 countries, we will help you expand your career and travel horizons.

Environmentally Green

Green & Environment Friendly Policies

We care about our planet and actively support environmentally practices and charities.

Maternity Leave

At our company we provide 6 months of fully paid parental leave.

Paternity Leave

Lets not forget about Dad! We provide 4 weeks of paid paternity leave.

Paternity Leave

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