Chad Hurley One of the three Founders of Youtube

Chad Hurley, one of the world’s most important people. His success led him to the career of fame he has now. Chad Meredith Hurley was born January 24, 1977. He is the Second Child of Don and Joann Hurley, he also has 2 siblings, older sister Heather and a younger brother Brent. He was originally interested in The Arts, but moved to computers in High School. He worked at PayPal with co-worker Steve Chen, later filming a video at a party, but no way to share with their friends. So together they made YouTube, so they could share videos online. All things considered, Chad Hurley was a very successful man during his life and will surely move the future.

Chad Hurley(center) with Co-Creators Steve Chen(left) and Jawed Karim(right)

Chad Hurley’s future is bright thanks to the choices he made. Being the former CEO of YouTube, and after selling the website to google for 1.65 Billion Dollars in 2006. Chad Hurley is currently married to Kathy Clark, who is the daughter of James H. Clark. He originally worked at PayPal, also designing the original logo. He paired up with his co-workers Steve Chen and Jawed Karim, and made YouTube. Later selling it. Then later making the video sharing app Mix-Bit. He currently has no children.

Logo for PayPal by Chad Hurley

With being one of the most important men ever. He must of had some good accomplishments as well. After graduating and receiving his bachelor's degree in fine art at the Indiana University of Pennsylvania. He joined eBay’s PayPal division, primarily working on user interface. It was there where he met Steve Chen and Jawed Karim, later to work with them and create YouTube. After selling YouTube to google for 1.65 Billion dollars worth in stock. He later created another video sharing platform with Chen known as MixBit. MixBit is where you can video edit clips on your phone. Overall, he had a lot of accomplishments in life, leading him to his present.

Works Cited

Google Doc

First Ever YouTube Video

First Comment on YouTube

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