Reform in America By:Niayawnna Williams, Vianca Gonzles, Brooklyn Pham

Transcendentalist encouraged people to question society's roles and expectation's ? Next the Second Great Awakening encouraged people to save their souls through good work.
Emily Elizabeth Dickinson - was an American poet! Emily was born in Amherst, Massachusetts. One of the books that Emily wrote was I'm nobody? Who are you?
Herman Melville- an American novelist, short story writer, and also the poet of the American renaissance. Herman was born in New York City.
Henry David-was a American poet , and Henry was born in concord July 12,
(Right) African American schools (Top right) crowed schools (Bottom Right) Lots of kids weren't in school
Education Reform was led by Horace Mann. Before the education reform started their where few public schools , and the schools that they did have where crowded . Teachers had limited education , and little pay. Most children did not even go to school. But after this huge hit. Better public schools were built. Teachers salaries increased & training programs were established . In southern states it was illegal to educate African Americans and most Northern African Americans worked together to provide schools for their children! Then by 1850 most white boys attended free public school, & Public Universities accepted women!
Abolitionist Movement
Abolitionist Movement was led by William Loyd Garrison, Frederick Douglass, Angelina, Sarah Grimke, Sojourner Truth and Quakers. This movement goal was to end slavery . The results ended in the Underground Railroad where people arranged transportation, and hiding places for get away slaves . Latter on 1864 the 13th amendment passed abolishing slavery
Women's Rights
Women's Rights was led by Abigail Adams, Lucy Stone, Lucretia Mott, Susan B. Anthony, Elizabeth Candy Stanton. Before this right was made women could not vote or hold office. Even worse Fathers and Husbands controlled women's money and property, and husbands could physically discipline their wife's . In 1848 that's when women said that is enough and held a women's right's meeting held in Seneca Falls , New York. After all those meetings calmly protesting New York gives women control of property and wages. Massachusetts and Indiana pass more liberal divorce laws, and Elizabeth Stanton has her own hospital and gets rights to vote!!!
(Left) grownups in prison (Top right) where kids went to jail (Bottom right) cruel punishment
Prison and Mental Health Reform was led by Dorothea Dix. Before this act Jail inmates were in chains and lived in cages even worse children that had stole bread for their family were jailed with adult prisoners that had killed some one. Mentally ill were treated as prisoners. After the act new alums were built. State government stopped placing debtors in prison. The government also established juvenile justice systems for children, and cruel punishment was outlawed.
Temperance movement was led by people who thought drink encouraged abuse, violence, and criminal behavior. The goal was to encourage Americans to stop drinking . After that the goal was not accomplished they had tryed to pour all the drinks out but nothing was done about.
(Top Left) slavery ( Bottom Left) everyone who was not white was colored ( Right) slave sign


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