Rescue Words G McCormick


(adjective) very small


(verb) to turn away


(adjective) continuing without stopping


(adjective) long and boring


(adjective) most important

Tools like Adobe Spark help to diversify what student learning looks like because they present content in a visually appealing format. In addition to textual information, users can also embed visuals such as photos and videos to help students make associations through their different learning styles.


Created with images by nickgesell - "lifebelt wall facade" • mountainamoeba - "Infinitesimal Fungus" • FeatheredTar - "Incongruously Deviating Confectionary" • new 1lluminati - "Now" • alamosbasement - "tedious" • loufi - "paramount" • vernieman - "Another qlamazing creative tool - Adobe Spark that's made for the social era. Automatically publish optimised designs across multiple mobile and web platforms. Sweet! #adobemax @adobemax #TeamMindblow"

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