okmalumkoolkat toungue foo action

First verse + scene usanele

we start the shot with sanele sleeping and waking up with 2 girls on his side and rapping his verse, waking up sorting out himself then moving from there to him wearing a full kit and moving to go out and meet majozi from the studio to dipstreet to buy clothes and get sneakers and spending all her cash there as she says on the song


she is walking around and shopping and rapping her verse also her with her friends and sanele is also there with her before they move to the other verse where they find smiso in a world of his own filled with plants and its all green


this will be shot in studio

from here we move to Bra sols verse where his in an all white studio, filled with smoke and just him sitting there rapping his verse and looking at everyone come to him from where ever they come

we put in traditional dancers and get everyone dancing

bra sol looking in the mirror and rapping


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