
中共的“混合战争”:对澳大利亚和世界的大规模监控以获取秘密和丑闻 【中英对照翻译】

新闻来源:ABC Net《ABC新闻(澳大利亚广播公司)》;作者:political editor Andrew Probyn and political reporter Matthew Doran / 政治编辑Andrew Probyn和政治记者Matthew Doran;发布时间:13 SepSeptember 2020 / 2020年9月13日

翻译/简评:Linda Black;校对:1818;审核:海阔天空 ;Page:拱卒





西方民主自由的国家对中国的友好和善意,却被中共反过来以极端恶意和损害对方利益的手段来回报。 要让邪恶的中共停止对世界的损害,只有世界各国正义力量团结起来,尽快把中共进行依法审判并彻底消灭。


China's 'hybrid war': Beijing's mass surveillance of Australia and the world for secrets and scandal


The massive data leak raises serious questions about China's aggressive intelligence gathering operations.(Unsplash: Taskin Ashiq) 大量的数据泄漏引发了对中共国侵略性的情报收集行动的严重质疑。(Unsplash: Taskin Ashiq)

Key points:

  • 2.4 million names and profiles are on the database, including more than 35,000 Australians
  • The company which created the database has links to China's government and military
  • The leak raises further questions about the spread and scope of China's intelligence gathering operations


  • 数据库中有240万个姓名和资料,其中包括3,5000多名澳大利亚人。
  • 创建数据库的公司与中共国政府和军方有关联。
  • 此次数据的泄露引发了对中共情报收集行动的范围和深度的进一步质疑。

A Chinese company with links to Beijing's military and intelligence networks has been amassing a vast database of detailed personal information on thousands of Australians, including prominent and influential figures.


A database of 2.4 million people, including more than 35,000 Australians, has been leaked from the Shenzhen company Zhenhua Data which is believed to be used by China's intelligence service, the Ministry of State Security.


Zhenhua has the People's Liberation Army and the Chinese Communist Party among its main clients.


Information collected includes dates of birth, addresses, marital status, along with photographs, political associations, relatives and social media IDs.


It collates Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram and even TikTok accounts, as well as news stories, criminal records and corporate misdemeanours.


While much of the information has been "scraped" from open-source material, some profiles have information which appears to have been sourced from confidential bank records, job applications and psychological profiles.


The company is believed to have sourced some of its information from the so-called "dark web".


One intelligence analyst said the database was "Cambridge Analytica on steroids", referring to the trove of personal information sourced from Facebook profiles in the lead up to the 2016 US election campaign.

一位情报分析师表示,该数据库是“打了类固醇兴奋剂的剑桥分析有限公司(Cambridge Analytica)”,指的是该公司在2016年美国大选前夕从脸书Facebook个人资料中收集的大量个人信息。

Zhenhua Data's vast database has explicit references to use by military intelligence.(Supplied.) 振华数据庞大的数据库明确标注,其可供军事情报部门使用。

But this data dump goes much further, suggesting a complex global operation using artificial intelligence to trawl publicly available data to create intricate profiles of individuals and organisations, potentially probing for compromise opportunities.


The database has been shared with an international consortium of media outlets in the US, Canada, United Kingdom, Italy, Germany and Australia, comprising the Australian Financial Review and the ABC.


The media consortium sought comment from Zhenhua, but received no reply.


The company's chief executive Wang Xuefeng, a former IBM employee, has used Chinese social media app WeChat to endorse waging "hybrid warfare" through manipulation of public opinion and "psychological warfare".


Zhenhua Data's chief executive Wang Xuefeng boasted of using data to wage "hybrid warfare".(Supplied) 振华数据公司首席执行官王雪峰吹嘘使用数据进行“混合战争”。

Of the 35,558 Australians on the database, there are state and federal politicians, military officers, diplomats, academics, civil servants, business executives, engineers, journalists, lawyers and accountants.


They range from the current and former prime ministers, to Atlassian billionaires Mike Cannon-Brookes and Scott Farquhar, and business figures David Gonski and Jennifer Westacott.

从现任和前任首相到阿特拉先(Atlassian)公司创始人亿万富翁迈克·坎农·布鲁克斯(Mike Cannon-Brookes)和斯科特·法夸尔(Scott Farquhar),以及商界人物戴维·贡斯基(David Gonski)和珍妮弗·韦斯塔科特(Jennifer Westacott),不一而足。

But there are 656 of the Australians featured on the list as being of "special interest" or "politically exposed". Exactly what the company means by either of these terms is unexplained, but the people on the list are disparate in occupation and background, and there seems little to no explanation in who has made the list.


The list includes current Victorian Supreme Court Judge Anthony Cavanough, retired Navy Admiral and former Lockheed Martin chief executive Raydon Gates, former ambassador to China Geoff Raby, ex Tasmanian Premier Tony Rundle and former foreign minister Bob Carr.

名单上包括现任维多利亚州最高法院法官安东尼·卡瓦诺(Anthony Cavanough),已退休的海军上将,洛克希德·马丁公司前首席执行官雷登·盖茨(Raydon Gates),前驻华大使杰夫·拉比(Geoff Raby),前塔斯马尼亚州总理托尼·伦德尔(Tony Rundle)和前外交部长鲍勃·卡尔(Bob Carr)。

Singer Natalie Imbruglia features in this list, along with One Nation co-founder David Oldfield, National Party President Larry Anthony, former treasurer Peter Costello's son Sebastian, ex-Labor MP Emma Husar, News Corp journalist Ellen Whinnett and rural businesswoman and ABC director Georgie Somerset.

歌手娜塔莉·恩布鲁格里亚(Natalie Imbruglia),“一个民族”的联合创始人戴维·奥尔德菲尔德(David Oldfield),国家党主席拉里·安东尼(Larry Anthony),前财政部长彼得·科斯特洛(Peter Costello)的儿子塞巴斯蒂安(Sebastian),前工党议员艾玛·赫萨尔(Emma Husar),新闻集团新闻记者艾伦·温尼特(Ellen Whinnett),乡村女商人和美国广播公司(ABC)董事乔治·萨默塞特(Georgie Somerset)等人物都出现在名单中。

But it also has some Australians with a criminal past, including self-proclaimed Perth sheikh Junaid Thorne, Geelong accountant and fraudster Robert Andrew Kirsopp and ex-TEAC boss Gavin Muir who died in 2007 just weeks before he faced court for dishonesty offences.

但同时也有一些有犯罪记录的澳大利亚人,包括自称珀斯阿拉伯酋长朱尼德·索恩(Junaid Thorne),吉朗会计师和骗子罗伯特·安德鲁·科索普(Robert Andrew Kirsopp)以及前蒂雅克(TEAC)公司老板加文·缪尔(Gavin Muir),他在2007年因犯不诚实罪而面临法庭审判,并死于(宣判的)几周前。

Singer Natalie Imbruglia and technology entrepreneur Mike Cannon-Brooks feature on the list.(AAP/ABC News) 名单上有歌手娜塔莉·恩布鲁格里亚(Natalie Imbruglia)和科技企业家迈克·坎农·布鲁克斯(Mike Cannon-Brookes)(AAP / ABC新闻)

The database was leaked to a US academic based in Vietnam, Professor Chris Balding, who until 2018 had worked at the elite Peking University before leaving China citing fears for his physical safety.

该数据库被泄露给驻越南的美国学者克里斯·巴尔丁(Chris Balding)教授,克里斯·巴尔丁(Chris Balding)教授一直在北京大学工作到2018年,他后来离开中共国的理由是担心自己的人身安全。

"China is absolutely building out a massive surveillance state both domestically and internationally," Professor Balding told the ABC.


"They're using a wide variety of tools — this one is taken primarily from public sources, there is non-public data in here, but it is taken primarily from public sources.


"I think it speaks to the broader threat of what China is doing and how they are surveilling, monitoring and seeking to influence… not just their own citizens, but citizens around the world."


Professor Balding has returned to the United States, leaving Vietnam after being advised it was no longer safe for him to be there.

巴尔丁教授(Professor Balding)已经离开越南返回美国,因有人建议那里对他来说已不再安全。

It was also a grave risk taken by the person who leaked the database to him, who contacted him as he started publishing articles about Chinese tech giant Huawei.

将泄露数据库给巴尔丁教授(Professor Balding)的人也冒着巨大的风险,这个人在巴尔丁教授开始发表有关中共国科技巨头华为的文章时和他取得了联系。

"We've worked very hard to make sure that there are no links between me and that person, once I realised what had been given to me," he said.


"They are still in China. But hopefully I think they will be safe."


'Collection nodes' scattered around the world, one likely in Australia


Christopher Balding was given the vast database, and has returned to the United States citing safety concerns.(Supplied: Fulbright University Vietnam) 克里斯托弗·巴尔丁(Christopher Balding)得到了庞大的数据库,并出于安全考虑而返回美国。(提供:越南富布赖特大学)

Professor Balding gave the database to Canberra cyber security company Internet 2.0 which was able to restore 10 per cent of the 2.4 million records for individuals.

巴尔丁(Balding)教授将该数据库提供给了堪培拉网络安全公司Internet 2.0,该公司能够为个人恢复240万条记录中的10%。

Internet 2.0's chief executive Robert Potter said Zhenhua had built the capacity to track naval vessels and defence assets, to assess the careers of military officers and catalogue the intellectual property of China's competitors.

Internet 2.0公司首席执行官罗伯特·波特(Robert Potter)表示,振华已经建立了跟踪海军舰艇和国防资产,评估军官职业和对中共国竞争对手的知识产权进行分类的能力。

"This mass collection of data is taking place in China's private sector, in the same way Beijing outsources its cyber attack capability to private subcontractors," Mr Potter told the ABC.

波特先生(Mr Potter)告诉澳大利亚广播公司(ABC):“大量数据的收集是在中共国私营部门进行的,就像北京将其网络攻击外包给私人分包商一样。”

"In the process, the company has violated the privacy of millions of global citizens, the terms of service of just about every major social media platform and hacked other companies for their data."


Of the 250,000 records recovered, there are 52,000 on Americans, 35,000 Australians, 10,000 Indian, 9,700 British, 5,000 Canadians, 2,100 Indonesians, 1,400 Malaysia and 138 from Papua New Guinea.


There are 793 New Zealanders profiled in the database, of whom 734 are tagged of special interest or politically exposed.


Zhenhua boasts it has about 20 "collection nodes" scattered around the world to vacuum enormous amounts of data and send back to China. Two of the nodes have been identified as being in Kansas in the United States and the South Korean capital Seoul. The Australian node has not been detected.


The Zhenhua Data database monitors military assets, using things like social media posts of officers to plot out movements.(Supplied.) 振华数据数据库通过军官的社交媒体帖子等信息来计划军事行动,从而监控军事资产。

The military sector appears to be of particular interest to the company. The database tracks promotion prospects of officers and political networks.


In one instance, the career progression of a US naval officer was closely monitored and he was flagged as a future commander of a nuclear aircraft carrier.


"The company… boasts that it has 20 information collection centres spread around the world," Clive Hamilton from Charles Sturt University said.

查尔斯特大学(Charles Sturt University)的克莱夫·汉密尔顿说(Clive Hamilton):“该公司…夸口说,它在全球设有20个信息收集中心。”

"This suggests that there's almost certainly one in Australia. So that means somewhere in Australia, there is a Chinese state-owned company that is sucking up data from across Australia and feeding it into China's intelligence service.


"Well, where is that centre? And if we can find it, shouldn't we close it down? It would appear to be violating all kinds of laws."


Academic Clive Hamilton argues it is likely a "collection node" is somewhere in Australia.(ABC News: Leon Compton) 学者克莱夫·汉密尔顿(Clive Hamilton)表明,“收集节点”很可能在澳大利亚某处(美国广播公司新闻:莱昂·康普顿)

Professor Hamilton said the wide range of people named in this database provided serious cause for concern.

汉密尔顿教授(Professor Hamilton)说,该数据库中收集人士的范围之广泛引起了人们的严重关切。

"If you're a 14-year-old daughter of a politician, then we now know that China's intelligence service is monitoring your social media commentary, and recording pieces of information that are of interest or may be of interest in the future," he said.

“如果您是一个政治家的14岁女儿,那么我们现在知道中共国的情报部门正在监视您的社交媒体评论,并把这些有利用价值或在未来可能有利用价值的信息记录下来。” 他说。

"So it really is quite sinister in the way that China is targeting so many aspects of society in a country like Australia for sucking up and storing this intelligence, and using artificial intelligence in a exceptionally sophisticated way."


Concerns of aggressive intelligence gathering operations


A Five Eyes intelligence officer, who uses the pseudonym Aeneas, has pored over the data, and described the technique as "mosaic intelligence gathering" — sourcing vast tracts of information from a wide variety of sources.


"The individual pieces of intelligence are like tiles in a mosaic, which make sense when they are arranged the right way," Aeneas said.


He argued it was a different way to collect information than how many western agencies went about their work.


"For example, we had a long-running penetration operation inside a Chinese diplomatic post," Aeneas said.


"You'd think we would have collected on everyone, but we didn't.


"Not everyone inside the post was an intelligence operator for the other side.


"We collected thoroughly on their spooks and stringers, but unless someone in the post was a possible source for us, we left them alone."


Australia's fledgling space industry is also of some interest to Zhenhua.


Queensland's Gilmour Space Technology, founded by banker Adam Gilmour, has been closely profiled by the company — so much so that every board member of the company has been profiled in the database.

由银行家亚当·吉尔默(Adam Gilmour)创立的昆士兰州吉尔默太空技术公司(Gilmour Space Technology),被振华公司详细地记录了其公司概况-信息非常详细,以至于该公司的每个董事会成员的个人档案都被记录在数据库中。

Zhenhua went looking for everyone in Australia with the surname Gilmour to probe the company.


The discovery of Zhenhua's core business, known as the Overseas Key Information Database, or OKIDB, will fuel concern about China's aggressive intelligence gathering operations.

振华核心业务的发现,即海外关键信息数据库(Overseas Key Information Database)或OKIDB,将加剧人们对中共国侵略性情报收集活动的担忧。

It also presents a challenge to domestic cyber defence, given the likely presence of other hostile computer servers in Australia trawling public source data.


Zhenhua Data, established in 2018, is believed to be owned by China Zhenhua Electronics Group which in turn is owned by state-owned China Electronic Information Industry Group (CETC), a military research company which had an association with the University of Technology Sydney until 2019.

振华数据成立于2018年,据信归中共国振华电子集团所有,而振华电子集团又由国有的中共国电子信息产业集团(CETC)拥有。中共国电子信息产业集团(CETC)是一家军事研究公司,该公司在2019 年之前与悉尼科技大学有合作关系。

Zhenhua Data's parent company is believed to be the Chinese state-owned CETC, which previously partnered with the University of Technology Sydney.(702 ABC Sydney: Amanda Hoh) 振华数据的母公司被认为是中共国国有的中共国电子信息产业集团(CETC),之前与悉尼科技大学合作。

编辑:【喜马拉雅战鹰团】Edited by:【Himalaya Hawk Squad】