NEWS FROM THE COUNTRYSIDE MONTESSORI MIDDLE SCHOOL weekly updates on what's going on inside of the community

Our current subjects in math are scientific notation and rules of exponents. Scientific notation is a way of writing very big numbers or very small numbers, without having to write lots of zeroes. The rules of exponents shows us how to multiply, divide, add, and subtract numbers with exponents. We had a quiz to see how much we know on each subject. We also had a couple sheets of homework that we reviewed and discussed.

The best teachers are those who show you where to look, but don’t tell you what to see. - Alexandra K. Trenfor

Opera is underway! The costume crew has began pulling costumes for this year’s performance of Persephone from our stash in the basement. Ms. Williams has returned to CMS this year for the opera. She is heading the costumes department and guiding us on what needs to be touched up and what we will keep. So far, we have pulled half of the necessary costumes and not many need to be re-done! More updates to come!

It’s up to you how far you go, if you don’t try you'll never know. - Merlin, Sword and The Stone
Every dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world. - Harriet Tubman

Interesting facts relating to this week:

On March 5, 1770 the Boston Massacre occurred.

On March 5, 1963 the Hula Hoop was patented.

On March 6, 1475 Michelangelo Buonarroti, a Renaissance artist, is born.

On March 6, 1899 Bayer patents Aspirin.

On March 7, in 1876 Alexander Graham Bell patented the telephone.

On March 7, 1973 Bangladesh's first democratic leader, Sheikh Mujib Rahman, came to power.

On March 7, 2010 Kathryn Bigelow becomes the first female director to win an Oscar.

On March 8, 2014 Malaysia Airlines flight 370 vanishes.

On March 9, 1959 the first Barbie goes on display.

On March 10, 1864 General Ulysses. S. Grant is commissioned by Lincoln to command the Union Army.

On March 11, 1997 Paul Mccartney is knighted by Queen Elizabeth II.

These are just some of our favorite to see more go to:

The Middle Schoolers have been hard at work on this year’s Opera, Persephone.

One of the many jobs involved in making this Opera a success is the set. This past week the Middle Schoolers have been creating the set for Mt. Olympus. After the designs were created the Middle Schoolers started cutting hills out of styrofoam. Next week they will begin painting the styrofoam and adding flowers to it.

Important Dates

Half Day - March 17

Pancake Breakfast - March 17 at 7:30-8:00 and 8:00-8:30

Coffee House - March 21 at 3:00 - 3:30

Spring Break - March 27 - April 3

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