The Enclave Funded by: Spencer, Colin, Jose, and Jakob



The purpose of our community is to provide a luxury getaway from everyday life with a survival aspect added.


1. No violence among other passengers all staff members are equipped with personal handguns and are required to use them if an assault is taking place

2. No stealing, if you are caught stealing the you will immediately be transported back home with no refund.

3. No intimate relationships, due to possible mental breakdowns we ask that you come alone as it may harm the relationship

4. No selfishness, in some cases your team might have little to no food so we ask that you distribute equally

5. No over killing, don't kill or harm life because you feel like it, only take what you need

6. Mental stability, every three weeks you will be required to take a mental stability test and if we deem you unstable staff will escort you home

7. Tidiness, you will be required to keep your area and personal items clean and put away.


Mental Stability - Age 14-30 - No Relationships Onboard - Clear Background Check


The water we are located in has no currents and stays around 73°F all year


We expect that you provide and work as a team if failed to to so you will be removed and replaced


Our facilities use bartering as a source of currency.


How decisions and problems are dealt with will change with each team due to the fact that they are completely in control of themselves


  1. The most rooms we can provide is 9, and in each room the is a bed and 2 personal lockers


The only transportation used by guests is walking and swimming



Provide To Survive


Created with images by succo - "hammer horizontal court" • babawawa - "prison jail detention" • Pok_Rie - "sunset seascape water motion" • TBIT - "dollar bank note money" • strikers - "miniature car model"

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