U.S. Department of Energy The dakota access pipeline

Goal of Internship/Proposed Concentration

  • The ultimate goal of the US Department of Energy's summer internship is promoting economic growth.
  • Shortly after accepting the position, concerns over the construction of the Dakota Access Pipeline began.
  • By making public relations and the development of materials related to the Dakota Access Pipeline controversy the focus of this internship, not only will the controversy be resolved more quickly, but the ultimate goal of promoting economic growth will be achieved.

Action Steps

  • Design pamphlets and posters that explain what the Dakota Access Pipeline is and the benefits of the installation of the pipeline will do.
  • Arrange and facilitate Town Hall meetings where representatives from all of the concerned parties in the pipeline controversy. There will be meetings held in each state where the pipeline will be constructed.
  • Create a media plan using radio and television advertisements; along with social media such as Facebook and Twitter updates regarding Town Hall meetings in local cities.
  • "Promote the Vote" to stress how it important it is to vote over the pipeline controversy, and persuade the community to vote on this important issue.


  • Pamphlets highlighting the facts on the Dakota Access Pipeline and solutions to the concerns for the construction of the Dakota Access Pipeline.
  • Display a visual aid at the Town Hall meetings showing a map of where and how far the pipeline will be underground.
  • Radio and Television advertisements promoting the benefits of the Dakota Access Pipeline and how it will better our country.
  • Facebook and Twitter presence with news on current events, including the controversy over the pipeline.
Dakota Access Pipeline map

How the US Department of Energy can Help

  • Secure facilities for Town Hall Meetings.
  • Gather information and facts about the Dakota Access Pipeline and parties that will be affected if the pipeline is voted to begin construction.
  • Meet with government officials in each state prior to Town Hall meetings to decide on which course of action is best.
  • Ensure that a key representative from the Department of Energy is present at all Town Hall meetings.

Why focusing on the Dakota Access Pipeline is Best

  • From the beginning of the development, the Dakota Access Pipeline has been built to be one of the safest, most technology advanced pipeline in the world.
  • It draws attention to our country and informs people about what the Dakota Access Pipeline is for people who have never heard of it before. The publicity that is given to our country, because of the Dakota Access Pipeline controversy, gives the Department of Energy the opportunity to show what we the benefits of constructing the Dakota Access Pipeline.
  • By acting as the "pipeline advocate" in order to get the controversy over the pipeline resolved , the Department of Energy will have many opportunities to enlighten the promotion of the construction and resolving concerns of the Dakota Access Pipeline, as well as a future vision for the of the benefits the pipeline will bring to our country.


  1. "Is the Dakota Access Pipeline safe?" Dakota Access Pipeline Facts. N.p., n.d. Web. 20 Feb. 2017. <https://daplpipelinefacts.com/dt_articles/is-the-dakota-access-pipeline-safe/>.
  2. Grossman, David. "The Dakota Pipeline Controversy Explained." Popular Mechanics. N.p., 24 Jan. 2017. Web. 20 Feb. 2017. <http://www.popularmechanics.com/technology/infrastructure/a23658/dakota-pipeline-protests/>.
  3. "Dakota Pipeline: What's behind the controversy?" BBC News. BBC, 07 Feb. 2017. Web. 20 Feb. 2017.
Created By
Riley Cook


Created with images by Beau Finley - "ugly Department of Energy building" • roy.luck - "Tank cars offloading crude oil" • Unsplash - "person walking pipeline"

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