Leif Eriksson Explorer

The name of my explorer is Leif Eriksson. He was from Norway. He explored in the late 900s and the early 1000s.

Leif went exploring to find new lands. He found three new lands. They were Helluland, Markland, and Vinland.

Leif had to stay in the Hebrides for a month to wait for a terrible storm to pass before he could move on to find more land. The first place they landed didn't have trees, it only had rocks and glaciers. They moved on to Markland. They found forests, and animals. It was a place where they could live.

His biggest accomplishment was the discovery of Greenland. He wanted to discover unknown lands. Leif Eriksson was the first one to discover the northern parts of North America.

Leif Eriksson was born in the 10th century. His dad was Erik the Red.


Created with images by Dan4th - "060718leif3" • Eisenmenger - "pirate ship pirates ship" • tonynetone - "Viking conquest of north america" • Sangre-La.com - "jn9068.JPG" • Reisender66 - "storm on the english channel sea weather" • Vincentvanoosten - "south africa ocean rock" • nettips - "greenland ilulissat church" • clurr - "erik the red" • 185053 - "geirangerfjord norway waterfall"

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