Town of Little Suamico By tyler elkinS

In Little Suamico there is a dabate on a subdivision coming in to Little Suamico. The debate is about to have only one entrance/exit or to have 2 of them.

Reasons to have entrances/exits: having two entrances/exits is important In case of a emergency rising and everyone needs to leave quick. Another reason if there was a accident it would everyone from leaving or entering.

A accident that blocks the road from travel preventing other from leaving or entering

Reasons to not have entrances/exits: The counterclaim to having two exits is that it would cost more money and there's no real need of having two they think if there was an emergency the people would have enough space to leave

The decision of the county was that it was not necessary and did not take a action to make a second exit/entrance. Because it would cost extra money that doesn't need to be spent

My opinion on the whole thing is that only one entrance is needed for the subdivision. I think this because it would cost more tax payer money which most would probably disagree with. Second most subdivisions I have seen and lived in only have one entrance/exit and it works fine.

The solution to the whole thing is to save money by not spending it on a second entrance/exit. Even if there one was made it would take more maintenance. Keeping it clear and nice would cost, it would also use extra land. So in the end they should keep one entrance/exit since there's no need for two.

Town hall

5964 County Rd S, Sobieski, WI 54171. Little Suamico town hall address.


Created with images by sharpemtbr - "storm neighborhood street"

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