The Divine: A Play for Sarah Bernhardt Christian chavis


The theatre was an amazing place and i loved the atmosphere. I was really excited to watch the play when i walked in and saw how nice the set was. I had a good seat right in the middle so i had a good view of the play. The auditorium is nice and big so that helped enhance my experience.

The Social Experience

My experience attending this play was amazing. I went with two good friends and it helped to enjoy it by having people I know with me. My friends and I also got something to eat before at a restaurant which was fun. I had an overall great time socially, when I attended this play.

The Cultural and Intellectual Experience

The play helped me to understand a lot of things about culture. I saw how differently some peoples lives could be compared to mine. I also liked how diverse the people in the play were. I did not know anything about the play before I went to watch it but as I watched it I understood it and learned from it. Nothing in this play relates to anything in my life.

The Emotional Experience

This play allows for katharsis because it allows you to follow the characters journeys and see them coming clean. This allowed me to see their situation and realize that it could similarly connect to my life.

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