Grace Clanton DIGITAL photo. 1 period. 5

This photo is from the framing assignment!

A photo just for fun.

The. Cutest. Dog. Ever.

(Composition Assignment)

A walkway to success?

(Composition Assignment)


(A photo for fun)


I make my art because I take a class at Evergreen High School. I shoot photos for projects, some for fun and some for practice. Most of my photos I have to turn in for a grade which helps critique me and teach me to do better.

What inspires me to make photos is the scenery. If I see a nice tree, or a vibrant flower or even a bright blue sky I will be more inspired. Even if it's raining outside and I see a unique raindrop, a puddle or even some yellow rain boots, I will be more inclined to take a photo.

My style of photos represents something beautiful and pretty. I'm not really into gloomy, dark photos. All my photos for the most part represents a bright, colorful and happy scene. Fun fact, those colorful photos are my favorite to shoot.

What's unique about how I take my photos is that I really inspect the background of my subject before I take a picture. It takes me about 3 minutes to actually take a picture due to setting up the background/ angle.

Lastly, what my photos mean to me. They mean improvement and hard work to me. Since I am taking a class, every photo I take gets better and better. I turn in most of photos I take which I put tons of hard work into.

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