Good Life Nature Activity Caleb Wilkins

After looking at the butterflies, I was entranced by their beauty, and I felt like I wanted more. Luckily, walking around, me and my friend Greg found a huge wall of butterflies, just look how much bigger the wall is than him! This wall showed me just how many variations there are of this one beautiful creature, and it is truly art in nature.

This museum was very unique in the fact that it allowed one to not experience simply a picture of nature, but instead a whole landscape. It made me realize the true beauty in nature, and the unfortunate fact that the artificial environment was better looking than the natural environment right outside of the building. We must all work to do better to maintain nature. This is our only home!

Very often it is easy to feel disconnect with animals of the sea, as they live in a complete different environment than us and have entirely different lives, however the marine life portion of this museum helped change that for me. Walking around, seeing all of the fish, being so close, with all of the information they were giving us, made me feel much more comfortable with the animals I typically feel distant from. My fear of the mysterious ocean was ultimately calmed by this exhibit.

Created By
Caleb Wilkins

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