Andy Potts Racing Camp DAy 4 In Review- The Great Transition

The focus of the day today was running efficiency, form and strength. After a short ride to Catalina State Park, Andy gathered the group for some running tips.

We talked about, Leg Drive, running off of the bike, arm movement/placement and more

Then it was time to run, and instead of finding a fun little place to run....

We found the most beautiful place that came with free admission to stream crossings, tidal pools, giant mountain climbs and spectacular views.

It gave this husband and wife team a chance to get a few moments to enjoy the beauty together before it was time to put in some work

Next up, we hit the pool to work on everything we have been working on all week.

High elbows, fingers tips down, engage your catch.

Andy's repeatedly reminded folks- triathletes are swimmers and there is no excuse not to act like one

One swimmer really took that to heart and thought about and quietly reflected on what the meaning of life was besides just finishing the next set...

Everyone else loved the 1 on 1 instruction time and laughs with friends.

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