CJ Park Real Estate REgional Biome: Deciduous forest

Location: 35.6532° N, 83.5070° W

Climate and Weather -

Temperature Range: 37'f

Average Precipitation: In the deciduous forest its about 50 degrees F. The rain that deciduous forest gets is about 30 to 60 inches a year

Weather in Seasons: During winter in the deciduous forest water is not available to keep some plants alive. In fall when the weather changes the leaves turn different colors.

Animals: In the deciduous forest their are some beautiful animals like black and brown bears, foxes, gray squirrels, and etc

Plants: Plants in the deciduous forest their is a lot of trees that contain most of the flowers. But the main ones are like Dog Wood Leave and Fringe leaf. Some flowers are passion berry and the blue lily. The animals that live here needs the trees for shelter and some use them for food and even water from the leaves

Why we would sell our park is because it has the most beautiful changing in seasons like leaves changing in different colors. We have beautiful animals that live here in our park. When it snows at our park it makes it so peaceful to just lay back and look at the beautiful view.

Deciduous Forest


Created with images by LubosHouska - "fallow deer dama dama male" • Couleur - "black forest forest firs" • MiguelVieira - "Sika deer (Cervus nippon) in Chichibu Tama Kai National Park" • Nicholas_T - "Fading Light" • Boke9a - "bode river water" • Nicholas_T - "Thomas Darling Preserve at Two-Mile Run (10)"

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