So You Want A Headshot? why you should hire me


Most photographers in the area will charge $250-$300 per hour (and that's on the lower side). If you're located within Washington, DC,I charge a flat fee of $100 if you come to me, or $150 if I go to you. That's it.

Why am I cheaper, you ask?
Photography isn't my main source of income....
...and shooting in the studio isn't my perferred type of photography...
I'm much more interested in photographing wildlife...
Alas, for the moment I'm in DC, not Africa, and dressing my dog up as a lion just isn't the same thing...
So, as long as I'm in the city, I am expanding my portfolio to include portraits!


I have a ton of gear that I use to capture beautiful photographs. If you come to me, I can use a backdrop or use the setting of my apartment's leisure room (Camden Roosevelt, 16th & W NW).

just some of the gear I use



I offer two types of discounts:

  • First, if you're a student (can show me a student ID with an expiration date on it that hasn't passed), I'll give you a 25% discount.
  • For ever person who you refer to me, I'll give you $25 the day of their photoshoot or $25 off your next shoot.
So, if you're interested, let's talk!
Created By
chuck cascio


Created with images by fancycrave1 - "camera digital photography" • Pexels - "contemporary flash indoors" • s58y - "Radioactive lenses -- group shot"

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