Carving By jonah

This is a carving machine that i used to carve my penguins ( seen below)

This is about what my carving looked like because my real carving i could not get the picture because someone deleted my folder. I had a struggle with getting enough help at the start with my carving, so so at the beginning i didn't know what to do. My good part was that on the end it turned exactly the way I wanted it to turn out. I chose this picture of the two penguins because i love penguins. I went in photoshop to edit my photo and make the thin lines that didn't carve into thick lines that did carve. i had to make sure all the lines were thick enough to carve it out and i went between two things (bears logo or the penguins). The machine had a needle and the needle went through the plastic and made the picture you put into the computer. my project turned out perfect just the way i wanted to just with one very tiny flaw.

I added the JF on it because it is the first letter of my first and last name.

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