John Ryan Amayun A MCOM63 Portfolio

The large photo is the original which has a storage size of 3.1 megabytes. The bottom left has a storage size of 133 kilobytes and the one in the middle has a storage size of 264 kilobytes. The last photo of the building distorted has a storage size of 133 kilobytes as well but has been transformed using a distortion tool on Photoshop.
These are two infographics I created comparing DSLRs. I am an avid Nikon user and the argumentation has always been between Nikon and Canon. These are the infographics describing it.
My Photography brochure where the main content is cars!
This is the flier I created for Donna's MCOM 139 Specialized Writing class with a focus in Sports Writing. I signed up for the class. I can't wait!
An Extra Credit Assignment for a baseball team's fundraiser!
Created By
John Ryan Amayun

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