Photo Story of the 1930's By: Mackenzie Malone & Kylie Goshorn

Large dust bowl storms caused by strong winds lifting up the dry soil into the air cause many families like the Thomas' to pack up their stuff and head to California.
FDR created the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) and the National Youth Administration (NYA). 5 Million teenagers took part in this program to train in trades and employed them in civic projects. These boys are shown in Dover, Delaware, in July 1938.
Hoovervilles were small homes more like shacks for the homeless people during the great depression. Families would keep what little of they had their with them and this normally was not a safe place. This is a photo of a boy in a hooverville, photograph taken by Ben Shahn in the summer of 1938.
By December 1942, nationwide gas rationing was in effect. They would have to cut down the amount of gas used to save money because it was expensive. Cards would grant additional units of fuel for people who could prove their occupations required more driving.
The government attempted to prepare the public for further attacks with air raid drills, blackouts, and media like this poster from 1943.
Scrap drives netted more than 26 million tons of iron and steel for the war effort. Chicago children would turn in salvaged scrap metal and tires at a civilian defense office in 1942.
By the 1940s over 90 percent of American homes had a radio. This was how news could travel fast and it was easy to the listen to president FDR.
These shelves had detergents and other household products from the 1930s and 1940s. The makers of the products became major sponsors of television programs with female audiences.
Franklin D. Roosevelt was the 32nd president of the United States (1933–1945). He had led the country through both the Great Depression and World War II. His New Deal policies produced lasting change in American politics and society.

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