Who invented the weekends By Everett Robinson

The Egyptians made the weekends because they wanted to keep track of work days so they could have days off. This was there payment for working for the rulers.

Egyptians were not the first ones to think of the weekend because some of the Assyrians wanted to have time off too.

One thing about that is that it never happend but the rumor was told threw time up until it reached Henry Ford and he thought that was a great idea so he tried to get everyone to start doing it

So one day Henry Ford got the law past that there can be a 2 day off break at the end of each week. But up until this day that law still applys


Created with images by free pictures of money - "Money" • GoShows - "Egyptian Doctor treating laborers on Papyrus" • clementchene - "Egyptian statue" • yamaha_gangsta - "Egyptian V" • MCAD Library - "Akhenaten, Nefertiti, and the Royal Princesses blessed by the Aten" • cliff1066™ - "Little Brother" • Karen Roe - "London Discovery Trail 2012" • andrea.prave - "Karnak Temple - scarab"

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