LaAmistad Shallowford Weekly volunteer Newsletter January 20, 2017


  • Frequently review the Dolch Word List on pages 13 through 17 of the Student Notebook.
  • The Dolch word lists are located in the Student’s Notebook. Identify the words that each student does not know and have the students make flash cards. They should be encouraged to work on these words daily with and without volunteers, until they master all of the lists.

Please send two pictures of two different students with their favorite books. One picture should be of a 1st, 2nd or 3rd grader, and another should be of a 4th or 5th grader.

Children using their workbooks

We will use the pictures for our social media campaigns focused on encouraging reading and promoting the National Reading Campaign.

Let's all congratulate Michelle Ocampo on her promotion to Afterschool Director! Michelle joined LaAmistad three years ago and has held positions as parent liaison and replication coordinator. Michelle brings a wealth of experience to her new role.

  • Wow: Parallel
  • Meaning: Two lines that do not intersect or touch each other at any point.
  • Can be used instead of: side-by-side, next to each other
  • Study Skill: Process of elimination
  • How to incorporate the study skill: Cross off answers that the student knows are not correct. You should physically cross them out if at all possible to help the student better visualize the rest of the choices. Then make an educated guess if you still do not know the answer after eliminating choices.
  • Virtue: Kindness

Make sure to encourage your students to use their flash cards at home as well! Their parents don't have to know English to help them out. Remember, short 15 minute sessions every day are more valuable in learning the material than one long session a week!

Welcome to new volunteer Harrison Morris! We look forward to seeing Harrison again at Shallowford. Thanks, Harrison, for joining the team.

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