Principals of Design In nature


Ants marching in a line can be an example of alignment.



Proximity can be seen in the pattern on the coat of a giraffe. There are many spots on giraffe that are different distances apart.


Repetition can can be seen in many different types of leaves. In this picture, the leaf pattern is being repeated.


Many leaves are symmetrical. If you fold this leaf in half, it will fold over perfectly.


Some leaves are not symmetrical. If you fold one half of this leaf over on the other, it will not match.

Rule of Thirds

In a picture, there are often equal amounts of empty space on either side of the main object, but in this picture, there are not equal amounts of empty space on both sides. This shows rule of thirds.

White space

In this picture there is an example of white space.

Negative Space

A clear sky is an example of negative space in nature.


This picture is an example of contrast in nature. There are many different shades here.


Created with images by 422737 - "dahlia flower flower blossom" • Martin Pettitt - "The Lincolnshire Butterfly and Wildlife Park." • PublicDomainPictures - "africa african animal" • katerha - "Constant repetition carries conviction. Robert Collier" • JeongGuHyeok - "maple leaf book reading" • gudka - "leaf" • kuhnmi - "Acker-Witwenblume" • janeb13 - "tropical cyclone catarina march 26th 2004 cyclone" • Bessi - "tree sunlight background" • - "Sunrise"

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