My Experience at the Florida Museum of Natural History By calvin carbone

Nature on Display

The exhibit that I found to be most appealing was the Florida fossil section. It consisted of numerous fossils and animal skeletons found in Florida from the prehistoric days. The way the exhibit was designed appealed to me because it was a large room and you became immersed with the fossils. The lighting also helped set the tone, giving the specimens a theatrical type vibe. The fossilized skeletons definitely caught my attention. Exploring the history in this section allowed me to understand the history of Florida and its prehistoric past much better than a text book could have. Actually looking at a giant land sloth skeleton taught me the scale of the creatures that lived back then. The experience most enjoyable about the museum was the interactivity and the visuals.

Nature and Ethics

The natural history museum actually helped me to experience nature in the way that Leopold described. Here I was able to view animals and insects I had not seen before in my life and would most likely never see again. Upon entering the museum it drew me in. I became immersed in history and walked about the halls as they transported me through time. The younger visitors seemed to share this experience where as my friends walked through the halls quickly and did not seem explore their senses. I always like to think about what it would be like if I went back and time and explored these places when ever I visit a museum like this. I do actually feel the ethical responsibility Leopold describes as I want future generations to be able to appreciate nature on their own in the outdoors and not have to come to a museum and see what was once there.

Nature and the Human Spirit

The museum helps us to step out of their ordinary live because we go on a journey unlike anything we have seen before. This especially came to fruition to me when walking through the native American seminole exhibit as I took a step out of my busy life and entered the world of 15th century Florida. By learning about the cultures and nature before us, it helps us to discover who we are and where we came from. We can better appreciate the mysteries of the world by viewing what came before us and the way nature has taken its course in the natural world.

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