Parents Role in Children's Health: Media EDEN sCHOLTZ

Parents must limit the time their children spend on media because of the many negative effects it can bring to their children's healthiness.

Media is harmful because it takes up much of children's time and encourages laziness in their lives.

Media is known to cause an unhealthy addiction for children, which causes them to believe they can not live without it.

Studies have proven that constant media fixation causes obesity which leads to decreased health and desire to be active...

Parents must stop the cycle of unhealthiness and are capable of freeing their children from the strong grips of media addiction, which will better their children's future and health.

Created By
Eden Scholtz


Created with images by frankbeckerde - "children tv child" • Harald_Landsrath - "baby feet ten" • Unsplash - "video controller video game controller" • StartupStockPhotos - "children win success"

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