Searching for the Next President Bernardo Lopez

Qualifications to become President: You must be the minimum age of 35, you HAVE to be a citizen of the United States, and you must be a local resident.

Informal qualities you could have for the position:

  1. MUST have government experience, of course, since you're trying to become the President.
  2. Must be professional at all times since you are representing the United States of America.
  3. You DEFINITELY need a political stand point.

Formal Qualities you must have:

  1. You must be able to associate with allĀ kinds of people. You can't beĀ biased.
  2. You have to keep calm under pressure. Since people are looking up to you they act how you do when put under pressure, so keep calm to send a positive message to your staff.


As the President of the United States you are to be the Chief of this country. You are to pass or veto, bills that are sent your way. You are to make decisions quickly and intelligently because what you decide is all the decision you are making for the people. You're main goal is to keep this country running smoothly and efficiently, making sure no harm comes our way.


On average you will make approximately $400,000 a year if you are appointed to this position.

Created By
Bernardo Lopez


Created with images by ishane - "Stars & Stripes"

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