Geothermal By makali

What is Geothermal?

Geothermal energy is the heat from the Earth. It's clean and sustainable.

Where is geothermal found?

Resources of geothermal energy range from shallow ground to hot water and hot rock found beneath the Earths surface.

What is the approximate cost per kwh?

Geothermal cost per kwg 6.6 in 2007, in 2020 should be 5.5, and in 2030 should be 4.5.

Is Geothermal renewable or non renewable?

Yes, geothermal is renewable energy and sustainable source. It uses the Suns rays in order for it to work.

How does geothermal work?

First, it starts pumping the hot water from the aquifer. Then, it delivers the heat or cold air to. Then the cycle keeps going.

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