
布鲁塞尔转变立场,首次指责北京搞虚假宣传 【中英对照翻译】

新闻来源:The Guardian 《卫报》;作者:Jennifer Rankin

翻译/简评:InAHurry; 校对:孙行者; Page: 拱卒






EU says China behind 'huge wave' of Covid-19 disinformation


Brussels shifts position by accusing Beijing for first time of running false campaigns


China has been accused by Brussels of running disinformation campaigns inside the European Union, as the bloc set out a plan to tackle a “huge wave” of false facts about the coronavirus pandemic.


The European commission said Russia and China were running “targeted influence operations and disinformation campaigns in the EU, its neighbourhood, and globally”. While the charge against Russia has been levelled on many occasions, this is the first time the EU executive has publicly named China as a source of disinformation.


French politicians were furious when a Chinese embassy website claimed in mid-April, at the height of Europe’s pandemic, that care workers had abandoned their jobs leaving residents to die. The unnamed Chinese diplomat also claimed falsely that 80 French lawmakers had used a racist slur against the head of the World Health Organization, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus.


“I believe if we have evidence we should not shy away from naming and shaming,” Vĕra Jourová, a European commission vice-president, told reporters. “What we also witnessed is a surge in narratives undermining our democracies and in effect our response to the crisis, for example the claim there are secret US biological laboratories on former Soviet republics has been spread by both pro-Kremlin outlets, as well as Chinese officials and state media.”

“我相信如果我们有证据,就不应该羞于点出他们的名字,让他们感到羞耻,”欧盟委员会副主席Vĕra Jourová这样告诉记者,“而且我们还看到有海量的试图破坏我们民主制度、事实上就是破坏我们对危机的反应的舆论。例如,美国在前苏联有秘密生物实验室的说法,既被亲克里姆林宫的媒体传播,也被中共国官员和国家媒体传播。

“I strongly believe that a geopolitically strong EU can only materialise if we are assertive,” Jourová said, alluding to the aim of the European commission’s president, Ursula von der Leyen, for the body to have more clout on the world stage.

Jourová说:“我坚信,只有当我们态度强硬时,才能实现一个在地缘政治上强大的欧盟。”她这是暗指欧盟委员会主席Ursula von der Leyen的目标是让欧盟在世界舞台上拥有更大的影响力。

The more assertive stance marks a change in tone from a report in March which merely described Chinese media narratives, while focusing the spotlight on disinformation from Kremlin-backed sources. It comes after lawmakers in the European parliament accused the commission of watering down an earlier report on disinformation under pressure from China – charges EU officials strongly denied.


Confirmed deaths of Covid-19 for selected countries


Showing the number of deaths since the day of the first one, using a log scale. Data correct at 21.59 UTC 19 June 用对数标尺显示自第1天以来的死亡人数。数据收集时间为标准时间6月19日21时59分 Source: Johns Hopkins CSSE Note: The CSSE states that its numbers rely upon publicly available data from multiple sources, which do not always agree 资料来源:约翰-霍普金斯大学CSSE。注:约翰-霍普金斯大学CSSE指出,其数字依赖于多个来源的公开数据,但这些数据并不保障准确。

EU member states are grappling with how to deal with China on a range of fronts, from foreign policy and security, to the economy. The commission described China as a “systemic rival” in a 2019 report that was seen by many member states as marking a watershed in how the EU deals with an increasingly aggressive government in Beijing.


The EU commission also issued an implicit rebuke to Donald Trump, as it noted the harmful effects of his bizarre suggestions about injecting bleach to treat coronavirus. Without naming the US president, a commission document stated that such false claims can be “very harmful”, noting that Belgium’s Poison Control Centre has recorded an increase of 15% in the number of bleach-related incidents.


Jourová repeated her praise of Twitter for putting a factchecking tag on two of Trump’s recent tweets, while saying she would like to see a similar approach taken by social media companies on other false information. “Be it the president, be the diplomats, be it me…. when we [politicians] say something we have to be accountable and we should be able to stand that somebody goes and checks the facts.”


The commission has encouraged social media companies to sign a voluntary code of practice on disinformation, while threatening regulation if they fail to act. The latest report steps up demands on platforms to be more transparent in sharing data with researchers and intensify work with independent fact checkers. “I would not like the platforms themselves to be the arbiters of truth,” Jourová said.

欧盟委员会鼓励社交媒体公司签署一份自觉杜绝虚假信息的行为守则,并且威胁说,如果他们不采取行动,就会受到监管。最新的报告提高了对平台的要求,要求社交媒体在与研究人员分享数据时更加透明,并加强与独立的事实核查人员的合作。“我们不希望平台本身成为真相的仲裁者。” Jourová这样说道。

The Chinese-owned video-sharing app TikTok has become the latest company to sign the code of practice, the commission said, joining the likes of Facebook, Google, Twitter and Mozilla.


编辑:【喜马拉雅战鹰团】Edited by:【Himalaya Hawk Squad】