Performance Task ALewis Adobe Illustrator artifact

I have created a lot of art in Adobe Illustrator so far this school year. From international symbols, to clovers to air balloons. My favorite would have to be the air balloons. I haven't finished the balloons project but it is the most interesting in my opinion. In this project the task was to create intricate air balloon designs. To make the air balloon, I had to first download a sketch file that acted as a template. Then, using the detailed directions in the Adobe InDesign and Illustrator workbook, I used the pen tool to create the rounded outline of the balloon. Next, I outlined the bottom of the balloon. To create the basket shape, the pencil tool was used. I used the pencil tool to draw the outline of the shape. The line tool was used to create a weaved design in the basket. This tool was also used to create the strings suspending from the balloon to the basket. The pen tool was also used to create horizontal lines in the balloon. The color and swatches panels in Illustrator were used to create the color scheme seen on the balloon. I had to choose from several different colors in the CMYK color spectrum. To make the gradient design at the bottom of the balloon, the gradient tool was used in addition to the swatches panel. The basket also used the CMYK spectrum. In result of this creation, I learned how to use the pen tool better and create swatches with the CMYK color spectrum.

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