The geography of HAITI is very fascinating. Tousant L'oveture is a person that fought for Haiti when Haiti was a slave state. Haiti is a Caribbean country that is behind Cuba and the Dominican republic. It is rugged Mountainous land,and has three main mountain ranges. the highest point is Pic La Stelle and it stands at 8793ft. rural population is 46.143% urban population is 53.857%


Haiti is a Caribbean country that has the Dominican Republic to its east. it is recovering from multiple earthquakes for example the one in 2010. Haiti has landmarks that are still intact. For example a mountaintop fortress called Citadelle la Ferriere and the nearby ruins of Sans-Souci palace from King Henry I.


Haiti's government is a free market economy hosting the world cup in 2022 is gonna give us a great impact because 88% of it is poor and 67% is extremely poor, and the money will let us upgrade our economy.

Government Type

My country Haiti's government would be in support of the world cup because it would be a tourrist attraction . we think that Brazil would not support the world cup because Brazil has a federal system and it would not allow any municipalities to be independent or break away from the countries national government.

We picked this logo because it it has the colors Haiti and because it has Haiti on it and that is the country that we are doing.


Created with images by desertdutchman - "Anse d'Azure" • Ricardo's Photography (Thanks to all the fans!!!) - "Labadee Haiti"

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