Students in the Master of Music degree should observe the following deadlines concerning the Comprehensive Exam (all students) and Recital Projects (students with an emphasis in Conducting, Performance, and Vocal Pedagogy). These dates apply to students who plan to graduate in a Spring semester and begin in the semester before the intended semester of graduation.
August 23
All Graduate Students: Select Comprehensive Exam, Thesis, and Recital Project Committees. Graduate committees consist of three members. The chair must be a full-time tenured or tenure-track professor at UTSA. Adjunct faculty may not serve as the chair of the committee but may serve as a co-chair along with a tenured or tenure-track faculty member. When possible, the student's major professor will serve as the chair or co-chair of the committee. One member of the committee must be from outside the student's major area. Faculty members who are not tenured or tenure-track may need to apply for Special Membership of the Graduate Faculty. It is the student's responsibility to verify that all proposed members of the committee are eligible to serve on graduate committees. The committee is normally selected by the candidate in consultation with the chair of the committee.
September 8
Recital Document: Submit chapter outlines (one sentence each) and annotated bibliography.
Lecture Recital: Submit repertoire and lecture topic proposal.
October 15
Recitals and Lecture Recitals: Schedule your recital by completing the Recital Request Form and submitting it to your private instructor. Private instructors will complete the process for final approval. Lecture recital topics and repertoire proposals must be approved prior to scheduling. No recitals will be held during the last week of classes or during scheduled final examinations. The deadline to book a recital in the Spring semester is February 15
October 30
All Graduate Students: Complete the Intent to Take the Comprehensive Exam form.
December 12
Recital Document: Submit draft of full recital document to the chair of the committee.
January 25
All Graduate Students: Meet with committee members for instructions on the format and preparation for the comprehensive exam, set a comprehensive exam date, and book space with Jared Davis. Once your exam is booked, contact the GAR with the date and time. Comprehensive Exams must be completed no later than March 21.
Recital Document: After approval from the chair, submit the revised draft of the recital document to all committee members.
Lecture Recital: Submit a draft of the script and lecture handouts to committee members.
February 15
All Graduate Students: Follow the instructions on the One Stop Enrollment page to apply for graduation.
February 21 (at least four weeks prior to comprehensive exam)
Written Comprehensive Exam Questions. At this point (or no later than four weeks prior to the comprehensive exam) students must finalize the content and format of the written exam topics with each of the committee members. The topics should be relevant to the student's area of specialization or a topic related to coursework the student has completed with the committee member. Please consult the Comprehensive Guidelines for a description of acceptable formats.
Recital Document/Lecture Recital: Submit a revised draft of all recital project documents to committee members.
March 7 (at least two weeks prior to comprehensive exam)
Written Comprehensive Exam Materials Submitted. All three written comprehensive exam projects must be submitted to all committee members by this date or no later than two weeks prior to the comprehensive exam. This gives the committee members time to review the materials and develop questions for the oral exam.
Recital Document: Submit final draft of Recital Document to committee members.
Lecture Recital: Submit final draft of script and handouts to committee members.
March 21
All Graduate Students: Deadline to complete all comprehensive exams. The committee members will sign the Comprehensive Exam Approval form and the chair will complete the Comprehensive Exam Memo.
At least one week prior to end of semester
All recitals must be completed prior to the last week of classes
May 2
Recital Document: Final version of the document must be uploaded to the ProQuest UMI Website by no later than 3:00 p.m. on the posted final deadline.
Please note: some dates are approximate and may change from semester to semester. Please check the Graduate School Website for current deadlines.