Once vice president Lyndon B. Johnson was sworn in as president he put the 1957 Civil Rights Act through congress. Since he was sworn into office he wanted to support the more important bills that will go through congress.
The results of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibited discrimination based on race, color, religion. of ethnic origin in hotels, restaurants, and places of employment during business hours. After that the equal employment Opportunity Commission to enforce the acts provisions.
The March on Washington, 1963. Dr. King and other Civil Rights leaders organized a March on Washington to pressure Congress to pass the new Civil Rights. A quarter million people attended the march. The March ended with a special meeting between Dr. King, other leaders of the march and President John F. Kennedy
The 24th amendment eliminated pole taxes in federal elections. The Selma Marches were when Dr. King went to Selma to organize a march demanding the vote for African-Americans. The voting rights act of 1965ended pole taxes and was used to prevent African-Americans from voting. Affirmative action programs increased minority representation in collages, the professions and many businesses. Many affirmative action programs have been phased out over time.
Billy Graham was a christian preacher and spiritual advisor to several U.S. Presidents. He was known to be a prominent supporter of civil rights and rose to fame for his staunch anti-communism.



Created with images by skeeze - "martin luther king jr i have a" • WikiImages - "lyndon b johnson president usa" • WikiImages - "president lyndon b johnson civil rights act" • - "1963 March on Washington, for press freedom & more" • - "ia1293.JPG" • skeeze - "billy graham christian evangelist"

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