Me & Puppy

Day 3 - 1 year

1 month ago Luna ended 1 years. So she is a young dog with awkward character but still funny. When Luna's was a puppy she had really intresting situation. She began barking on the red hydrant. She was a really coward. When I was with Luna on her walk we went to the Rynek Staromiejski near the fountain. Her reaction about it was really funny beacuse she didn't know what it was and she escaped from me. In my opinion dogs are the best friends for people. Dogs are loyal and sensitive for people . I think the dog's there are devoted with their master's ^^.

Day 2 - Three Months Ago.

Luna started her 7 month.She was a little baby. I know but she is so cute and had puppyish eyesight anyway when she had 8 month she learned to give his paw and to high-five. So I think she is really clever but a little bit lazy and contumacious just like me sh.. it's a little secret hahah xd. People said that dog was converging to his master. So I think I had my doggy copy. Luna had some much irrepressible broad of energy. I can't make her tired . When me, boyfriend and Luna went for a walk I rode a bike and Arthur rode to skateboard so Luna had a task she had to chase me with my boyfriend on skateboard we doing a lot of kilometers to home. When we got home Luna went sleeping for 2 or 3 hours. After 3 hours she started running at all home ;-;. It was really surprising. But I still love her <3.

Day 1

Today I want to present my little dog. Her name is Luna. It is mixed with Ridgeback she is really characteristics. I adopted her two weeks before my 17 birthday. Maybe she was a present for me I don't know my mom really wanted this dog and also do I. I think to put sb up to sth maybe hahah ^^. Returning to her first day me , my mom and my boyfriend came for her to Ms. Kluska beacuse this women took Luna from her first home beacuse Luna was really neglect. When I saw Luna first I fell in love with her. She was a really adroble and cute olso spontaneous dog so I decided to adopted her with my mom. 1 hours ago I was at home with my new roommate :3. Luna acclimated in new home and new people :D .

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