This is how candy canes are made! by Bridget stelzner

This is how you make candy canes. Are you ready it is cool. First you need sugar. You put the sugar in the doe. Then you need to flatten the doe.Then you have to roll it. Rolling it mite take a while.That was stage 1.

Now I am going to tell you about the machine to make a candy cane.You need to put it in the machine.It mite take a while.And then you put in the peppermint.After that you have to get it hard in the machine.The machine will shape it.And it will stile be soft for the next stage.So that was stage 2.

now you are on the candy cane part. When you are done it goes in to the raper machine. the candy cane finally be done.It will take 48 hours to be done.Then you will have to take them to the store.Then people will by them and eat them.That was stage 3. The end


Created with images by Origami48616 - "Heart shaped CandyCanes" • hello-julie - "more candy canes" • Carodean Road Designs - "Christmas 2012" • krheesy - "Candy Cane"

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