NIKO DOTY Digital Photography 1 period 6

i love apples so that's why i picked apples i love peace teas i drink one everyday so i put that up there to i love the brand of Nike, i love apple phones they are really interesting also youtube is up there because i use it daily and watch funny videos
this was a picture i took that i was going to use for leading lines but i took a different picture
multiplicity project i had to keep the camera at the same position and have him move to different spots and take another picture and photo shop him into the picture
this was for a photo challenge for leading lines i was walking around and saw a leaf on the bench and thought leading lines so in took the picture
this was for when we had to take a picture of an object and lead it to a song
This picture was for when we painted with light for a couple of days we used it for a photo challenge

Artist Statement, as an artist i love taking pictures of nature but the main thing i love to do is taking a picture of something and Photoshop it to make it look more interesting or maybe changing the contrast because it would look way better in black in white or like in the light project when i Photoshop the light to a different color, the reason i like taking pictures of the nature is because it is a lot easier because it is not a moving object like someone moving instead of taking interesting pictures of trees or maybe of mountains or snow is really fun to do i love to use simplicity as my main thing because i like others to know what the main thing in my photos are but the main thing i forget to use is rule of thirds

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