Reflective Journal Week 2

This week has been very enjoyable. I feel I have learned more about discrimination, Title IX, and Affirmative Action. Also, the video about "The role of HBCUs in Achieving Equity" was short but interesting about the role of those institutions and racial issues around our country.

Though, I don't know how to described my feeling about the creation of institutions of higher education only for Black or White students. This matter has captured my attention since I started this Master.

I was wondering why a big nation had the necessity of created division in educational level. I went to the books and I've investigated about this topic. I've found everything begun a long time ago, with segregation, hate, division, racism, and classism.

I will probably focus my research on this topic. In my mind doesn't fit this kind of separation, this human being segregation. The book that we are using in this class "Student Engagement in Higher Education" is fantastic.

It is sad seen this kind of images when we live in the XXI century and supposed to be open minded. Just a little bit of tolerance and live our lives and let others live their lives.

In this video, we can see an analysis about if America is racist. I've found interesting this video because the narrator supports his comments with real statics and shows the reality we live nowadays in the US.

The chapters I have read so far are very informative about how to engage the different community of students and help them to achieve their goals. It is fascinating how the author can focus on details about the different ethnicities and higher education engagement and success.

Created By
Sandra Quintero


Created with images by Arcturus Aldebaran - "Hipsters Use Main Door..." • zeevveez - "Stop Racism" • Tony Fischer Photography - ""I Have a Dream"" • shizzy0 - "IMG_1189" • Fibonacci Blue - "Students march because Black Lives Matter"

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