The Divine: A Play for Sarah Bernhardt Analysis by: John Dunleavy

The Spatial Experience

Although not the largest theater I've ever been in, the Constans Theatre was quite massive. As I took a seat in one of the front rows I Anxiously waited as a small piece of such a large experience. The lights dimmed and I couldn't help but feel excited as students began to quiet down. The theater's atmosphere couldn't have been better, from the awe of first entering to the talk backs with the actors. In the Goodlife, location can make a major difference. It affects the people you meet and the experience you have. In a large theater like the Constans, you can't help but allow it to wrap you in the experience. While trying to achieve the Goodlife, a place of growth and peace will often flourish development.

Entering the Constans Theater (John Dunleavy, 2017)

The Social Experience

I went alone to the play, but rather than missing out on the social experience I believe I had an enhanced version of the social aspect. Rather than being contained to one social group like my friends, I was able to socialize with the strangers around me, gaining many foreign perspectives on watching the play and how they felt about it. A major part of achieving the Goodlife is growing socially. Without proper interaction with the people around you, you may never achieve your Goodlife. By meeting different people you can gain multiple perspectives on life as Siddhartha did.

Siddhartha's life (, 2014)

The Cultural and Intellectual Experience

Going into the play knowing very little about the subject matter truly made this play eye-opening. In my opinion, the story is mainly based upon the evolution of Michaud and Quebec City. Throughout the play, Michaud becomes more and more aware of what people from the poor life like Talbot are going through and this drives him to uncertainty and inner turmoil. Although coming in with very little preconceived notions I left with a very shifted view on these issues and the power of a performance. Like many of the things we learn in the GoodLife this play too had a connection to most people's lives. As we age we become more and more aware of the tragedies happening around us every day, like poverty or war. This play shows the enlightening of a young wealthy man, I believe that most people go through a similar enlightening when they become aware of the world and all its flaws.

Leaving the Constans Theater (John Dunleavy, 2017)

The Emotional Experience

Most people attending the University of Florida have the money to live a comfortable life. Most of our parents and friends support our various aspirations, and we are well on our way to living a prosperous life. This play allows us to look at our struggles and realizes how small they really are in the big picture. It allows us to recognize our great fortune and how little we truly have done for those that are less fortunate then us. Most of us have worked with the poor as resume builders or to simply check the box on a good human rubric. We have strived for our own success and simply been to focused on how things will affect us. We too need to have our eyes opened like Michaud.

Constans Theater (John Dunleavy, 2017)

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