Drugstore Makeup Bang for your buck

Why spend all that money when you can receive the same thing for half the price? Drugstore makeup has some weird connotation that because it's cheaper and can be found at your local convenience store, it is not makeup. Wrong. These makeup products get the job done while saving you some extra cash to buy a fierce outfit that will match your beat face!

Duplicates (Dupes) are makeup products that are exact/close replicas of each other! It's just that one is top branded while the other is drugstore branded. The makeup gets the same result but just for a lower price!

WORK IT! In the end, no matter what you put on your face you will still look fierce and slay the streets! As long as you have the artistic skill and a steady hand, it doesn't matter how much you spend on makeup. "May the wings of your eyeliner always be even"!

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