The Alchemist By Paulo coelho

"The secret to happiness is to see all the marvels of the world, and never t forget the drops of the oil on the spoon."

This quote means to me that you should never forget your purpose, but don't forget to have fun, and find happiness along your way. I really like this because it tells you to have fun, but never forget what you must do, and not to stray away from your original path.

"Before this, I had always looked to the desert with longing. Now it will be hope. My father went away one day, but he returned to my mother, and he has always come back since then."

This quote shows Fatima's feeling about Santiago, because she sees him the same way her mother sees her father. She is also showing the trust she has for Santiago, she believes that- no matter what- he will come back to her. I really like this quote because I think it is very sweet, and it shows some of Fatima's personality/inner thoughts.

"You must understand that love never keeps a man from pursuing his personal legend. If he abandons that pursuit, it's because it wasn't true love... the love that speaks the language of the world."

I agree with the Alchemist on this quote. If it really is true love, no matter how long you two are apart, your feelings won't change, they'll only grow because you are longing to see the person you love, making your feelings towards them even stronger.

"To realize one's destiny is a person's only obligation." -The Alchemist

I love this quote because it tells you to follow your dreams, what you want to do, because that is your role in life, that is what you must do. I really find inspiration in this quote because it tells me what I want to hear the most, that my duty to my self is to follow my dream, and that is one of the best things you can hear in life.

"Everything that happens once can never happen again. But everything that happens twice will surely happen a third time," This quote is very strange, but it makes sense. If something happens once, you can learn from it and not let it happen again. But, if something happens twice, you are a fool who didn't learn from their mistake/past experiences, and it is much more likely to happen once again.
Created By
Molly Paden


Created with images by Unsplash - "sand dunes desert hills" • flo222 - "honey spoon golden yellow" • FuN_Lucky - "namibia desert sand" • tpsdave - "death valley california desert" • steinchen - "treasure chest chest gems" • 2488716 - "desert couple sunrise"

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