Fake News 23/2/17

Fake News refers to the false information/propaganda published online or on hard copies under the guise of being authentic news. This fake news is pushed by news websites trying to attract attention to mislead consumers and spread misinformation via social networks and work-of-mouth. Fake news started out as being a term referring to intentionally fraudulent news to fool the average consumer and even some political leaders have been changing the definition for their own campaigns.

Fake news has spread worldwide making some average consumers of media fact check to see if it was accurate. More websites have taken action with fact checkers finding the references to conclude if the news is valid. Some other forms of "fake news" is a common situation on YouTube where famous publishers make their videos look like something worth while whereas nothing of the sort is found in the actual video. Out of context information could be considered fake news as it does not give precise details about the news.

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