The Lost Day By Michael Clapprood

The day was Saturday, during summer vacation it was a 74 degree day in Cumberland, Rhode Island. My friend Xavier called me to come over his house. I asked my very nice mother to go to his house and my mother said yes. We hop into the Acura and we head over to 15 Washington Street. I knock on Xavier’s house door and Xavier’s mom answered the door and greeted me. She let me in, when I saw Xavier walk down the stairs he greeted me with a great, big bro hug. Xavier and I like to play basketball together because we are on the same team. Xavier doesn't have the nicest hoop so he said that his neighbors let him use theirs. We went to his neighbors and shot around, then Xavier wanted to go for a walk in the woods. All of sudden Xavier runs away, Xavier is very fast so I could not catch up to him in time so I was lost in the woods by myself. I was worried about not seeing my family ever again because I was only 10 years old and in the 4th grade. At one point I started crying. I was trying to see a road or something that could bring me back to his house or someone I know. I saw Diamond Hill Road near Razze Field and I’m walking and I’m thinking who’s house is near here. Just then I realized that my friend John’s house is right there. I knocked on the door and there is John and right behind him was Xavier. Just the person I wanted to see, the kid that ditched me to go to another friend's house. So I called my mom to pick me up at John’s house and she was asking so many questions about why I was at John’s house. I got into the car and I told her that Xavier ditched me. She instantly called Xavier’s mom who was at home. Xavier's mom went to John’s house and picked up Xavier; she grounded him for 2 weeks. In my mind, I thought, I can’t forgive him because I could have been lost or kidnapped. The next time we had basketball practice I saw him but his parents did not allow him to play. Xavier came up to me and asked me if I was ok. I said I am fine but it hurts me to know you are my friend and you ditched me to go somewhere and leave me by myself in the woods. Xavier’s mom called me over to where she was sitting and she talked to me about forgiving him but I said I can’t forgive him yet. In my head, I wanted the apology to come from him and I wanted it to be sincere. The next day he walked to my house and explained what happened. To this day, Xavier and I are still very good friends but I still remember that moment.

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