Hello! I'm Mathew...

... and I love photography.

I wouldn't call myself an expert, but photography makes me happy. Eventually I want to be able to wield a camera at a professional level.

Exercise helps me to blow off steam.

It keeps me focused, happy and healthy.

My favorite thing to read is Communication Arts Magazine. It inspires me to do great work in the SOJC.

Recently, my favorite band has been Saint Motel...

...but these are five other songs everyone should listen to:

1: The Other Side of Paradise- Glass Animals

2: The Trouble With Us- Marcus Marr & Chet Faker

3: Hunting Wabbits- Big Phat Band

4: The Golden Age- The Asteroids Galaxy Tour

5: Baby I'm Yours- Breakbot

Finally, I'm not as invested in social media as other millennials. However, that's only because I prefer spending time with friends in person. My people mean the world to me, and I'm always looking for new friends to add to the collection.

In the meantime, you can get to know me better by clicking the button below.






http://i.huffpost.com/gen/1555567/images/o-EMPLOYEE-EXERCISE-facebook.jpg http://7209359980.linknowmedia.ws/wp-content/uploads/sites/1385/2015/08/weights-banner.jpg http://www.bp.com/content/dam/bp/images/general/graphics/1-1/social-media.jpg

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